18 April 2024

WHY STUDY ENGINEERING? - Here are fundamental details that parents and students should understand about an engineering course

In our rapidly advancing world, technology has become as crucial to us as oxygen. It impacts and guides nearly every aspect of our daily lives, from the moment we wake up and reach for our mobile phones. Engineers are the driving force behind everything that enhances human comfort and convenience. They innovate, design, manufacture, market, and maintain the technologies and machinery that make our lives easier. From developing cutting-edge technologies to constructing towering skyscrapers and improving infrastructure like roads and bridges, engineers strive to make the world a better place for all in straightforward terms.

Doctors nowadays heavily rely on technology to perform their duties effectively. Engineers play a crucial role in providing the necessary tools and innovations for medical professionals, from advanced diagnostic machinery to prosthetic limbs. They've even developed cutting-edge technologies that can automate certain medical procedures, reducing the need for direct human intervention.
Engineers are essential in various sectors such as construction, energy, transportation, communication, and mining. As a result, job opportunities in engineering are rapidly growing. In essence, engineers are the ones shaping and managing the modern world. Additionally, engineers are excelling in management roles, showcasing their versatility and impact across different fields.

Is studying engineering difficult?
Studying engineering isn't overly challenging for an average student. With consistent attendance, diligent understanding of lessons, and daily practice, success in engineering studies is attainable.

However, it's crucial to address the high failure rates in engineering courses. One contributing factor is the misconception that arts subjects are easier and require less effort. Additionally, some students overextend themselves by attempting to study all subjects simultaneously, leading to burnout and decreased performance. Another significant issue arises when students choose engineering without considering their natural aptitude for the field, resulting in a mismatch and eventual failure.

Is a solid understanding of mathematics essential for engineering studies?
Certainly, mathematics holds significant importance in engineering studies. For students with an average proficiency in mathematics, pursuing engineering should pose manageable challenges. It's crucial to ensure that individuals entering engineering programs possess a natural inclination towards numerical and mechanical concepts.
Malayalees have historically placed great emphasis on education and are adept at swiftly adapting to change and embracing modern technologies. Malayalee students are renowned for their exceptional intelligence, wisdom, tolerance, and diligence.
These qualities empower Malayalee aspirants to outshine their counterparts from other states of India in the workplace, often achieving superior results. When coupled with an engineering degree, the enlightenment of Malayalees cultivates true professionals.
Examples such as Verghese Kurien, the pioneer of the White Revolution, E Sreedharan, renowned as the "metro man," and Tessy Thomas, affectionately known as the "missile woman," epitomize this synergy.

Let us inspire our children to follow in their footsteps and embrace excellence.

Article By: Mujeebulla K.M
CIGI Career Team

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